Do you find yourself coming up with a ton of reasons as to why you can't workout or eat right? Let's face it - life happens! Sometimes it is just way too difficult, maybe even impossible to squeeze that workout in or to prep that healthy food. The thing is however, that EVERYONE has life happen while they are on their fitness journey. It's that CHOICE that we all have of whether you are going to USE that excuse and skip that workout or if you are going to power through and get it done anyways - NO.MATTER.WHAT.
I know some of you may be sitting there reading this thinking - "well no what I'm going through is different - I don't have the choice, I just literally don't have the time to workout or prep healthy food!" If you're thinking that then you are probably not gonna like what I am about to tell you. You absolutely DO have the CHOICE. There are workout programs out there that are only 25 minutes, 5 days a week... 25 minutes!! I am going to bet that you probably spend more than 25 minutes each day contemplating stuff that you need to get done... or doing your hair and makeup for the day... Or watching your favourite TV shows. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, it's your CHOICE what you do with that time! Yes, you may have to sacrifice watching your favourite TV show... you may have to get up 30 mins earlier or go to bed 30 minutes later - but if your health and energy are worth it, you will find a way!
As for time to meal prep - I have some amazing news for you. Guess what! Spending just a couple hours prepping food on a Sunday will actually SAVE you a ton of time preparing all throughout the week! It's also super simple and I will make a separate blog post on meal prepping soon, but it's literally as simple as seasoning and throwing a bunch of chicken breasts in the oven and leaving them to bake... Roasting some veggies in the oven at the same time as the chicken and cooking up some brown rice... BOOM! Easy, simple and DONE! Guess what? You're also gonna save yourself a ton of money by not needing to eat out and pre-packaged, processed foods are NOT always cheaper.
So... Are you gonna choose to find excuses or are you gonna choose to find a way to get it done?
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